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Get your salon email marketing opened & read (15 ways)

Are you missing out on a powerful yet low-cost salon marketing tool?

I’m talking about a salon e-newsletter.

Even if email marketing hasn’t worked for you before, don’t give up on it. Trust me: if done properly (and I’ll show you how – just read on) it works better, for less money, than almost any other type of salon marketing.

How come?

Unlike social media you are in the driving seat with email salon marketing. A well-built and well-written e-news campaign is a highly cost-effective way of reaching almost all of your database.

In contrast, most social media posts only reach 5%-10% of your followers. In addition, email salon marketing will:

  • Nurture strong relationships with your hair and beauty clients.
  • Build trust and brand awareness.
  • Provide a highly measurable marketing tool.

It’s a no-brainer.


Making e-marketing work for your salon

In this blog post I share 15 professional tricks and tips that will ensure your salon email is:

  • Opened.
  • Read.
  • Acted on.

Let’s get started:

Look out for the Learn & Grow icons and follow the links for more detailed information and ideas on related salon marketing topics.


#1. Make sure your salon e-newsletter is mobile-friendly

The good news for hair and beauty businesses is that people are constantly using their mobile devices. So there’s a greater chance that your e-news campaign will catch the reader’s eye.

The bad news is you’ve only got a few seconds to grab their attention on a small screen before they delete and move on. So you need to make an immediate impact to ensure they open, read and follow the links on your salon’s promotional messages.

Make sure that the e-newsletter system you are using creates mobile-friendly versions and will automatically adapt your salon newsletter to fit any mobile device.

It’s easy to check. Next time you send out a salon email campaign test it first on your own phone. If it’s mobile-friendly your e-newsletter will automatically re-size, adapting its format to fit any screen and be easy to read and navigate.


#2. Strong subject lines improve email open rates

Your email subject line can make or break your salon newsletter open rates:

Keep your email subject line brief, yet descriptive.

50 characters or less (including spaces) is usually recommended.

Avoid the following in your subject lines as they can be seen as spam and may affect your delivery rates:

  • Mega x % off discounts.
  • Exclamation marks!!!
  • The word ‘free’.
  • Capitals for EMPHASIS.
  • Implausible claims.

Use up to a maximum of two emojis 🚀 in your subject line as studies have shown that these can encourage higher opening rates.

Also, consider personalising your subject line by including the recipient’s name. See more on this below.


#3. Personalise your salon email marketing

Make it personal: use the recipient’s name. We all respond positively to our own name.

‘Hi, Alice’ sounds so much more personal. It seems like you’re talking to me and only me. As if we’re having a conversation between friends.

Most email software systems give you the option to personalise your e-marketing messages with each recipient’s name. Always do it if you can.

After all, the majority of your database are likely to be clients who visit your hair or beauty business regularly.

You can use your client’s name at the start of the newsletter, for example:

Hi, Alice – welcome to our latest newsletter.

And in the email subject line, for example:

Alice, don’t miss our latest salon news and info…


#4. Be clear that the e-newsletter is from your salon

This may sound obvious, but it is often overlooked.

Over 40% of email recipients decide whether to open and read emails based on who they are from. If your e-newsletter arrives from an email address that doesn’t obviously relate to your business, then it may look suspicious and be deleted rather than opened.

We’re all wary of scams or dodgy viruses lurking behind an innocent-looking email.

Always make it clear that your e-newsletter is being sent from your spa or salon business.

Include your logo at the top of the newsletter (and link it to your website) – but don’t make it too big or overwhelming.

What the law says

Remember: data protection laws in this country say your email marketing messages must clearly state exactly who you are.


#5. Include inspiring, informative & entertaining salon content

Your hair and beauty clients want to be educated, inspired and amused when they open your email marketing.

They do not want to be bombarded with endless offers and news about you.

Think of it this way: if a client walks into your salon you don’t rush up to them shouting about your latest discounts or boring them with the big ‘I am’ routine.

You just wouldn’t, would you?

It’s the same with your email newsletter. That’s why it’s important to ensure that it’s packed with plenty of ‘What’s In It For Me’ content. For example:

  • Professional hair or beauty tips.
  • Seasonal ideas and inspiration.
  • Easy gift ideas for special days such as Mother’s Day.
  • Invitations to fun or educational salon events.
  • Useful information such as new late opening or Sunday hours.
  • Salon news that is relevant and helpful to your reader.
  • New hair or beauty services you’re offering.
  • Product news plus tricks of the trade.

Include any spa or salon discounts you’re currently offering but try to stick with the 80:20 rule. 80% of your salon email marketing should be useful information for your readers. No more than 20% should be offers or discounts.


#6. Stay on salon brand with design & imagery

Brand consistency is vital. Your brand is all-important when it comes to marketing – whether it’s your salon décor, website, social media or price lists, your branding must be instantly recognisable as an integral part of your salon business.

It goes without saying that this rule applies to your e-newsletter too. The system you use to create your newsletter will offer all kinds of design ideas – but don’t be tempted to go wild and wacky. Make sure your design reflects your branding and is as recognisable as when someone walks into your salon.

Consistency is king and will help to ensure you come across as a professional salon business who knows how to stand out from the crowd.

Make sure your content will make sense and look appealing to read even when images don’t display for any reason.


#7. Inject your salon’s personality into your newsletter

How you write and your tone of voice will greatly influence your reader.

Aim to come across as lively, interesting and conversational and inject some bubbly personality into your email marketing.


  • Use the magic little word ‘you’. It’s the one everyone wants to hear.
  • Ask questions. They engage people and improve click rates.
  • Add urgency to any promotions. Try: ‘Only six appointments available’ or ‘spa offer finishes tomorrow’.
  • Watch your spelling, grammar and punctuation as they all reflect on your salon business (see below).
  • Keep your writing punchy and fast-moving with short sentences. Your readers can then skim for anything that particularly interests them.


#8. Check your spelling & grammar

This may sound a bit of a boring one, but it’s very important. Don’t put readers off with poor spelling and bad grammar.

Always proofread your email marketing before unleashing it on the world – and get at least one other pair of eyes to check it over too.

Silly mistakes and typos will make your e-newsletter look sloppy and slapdash which won’t enhance your image or inspire confidence in your hair and beauty professionalism.


#9. Link up to your latest salon blog posts

A regular salon blog post will make great ready-made content for your e-newsletter. A well-written blog post will help to demonstrate your knowledge, expertise and professionalism without coming across as a hard sell.

Don’t use the whole post – the first one or two paragraphs will be enough with a link back to the full blog post. This is also a brilliant way to get people to visit your salon or clinic website.

Salon blogging made easy with Salon Social Club…

Not sure how to go about creating a regular salon blog post? Don’t worry – we’ll do it for you. Members of my Salon Social Club get a regular blog post that’s good to go every month.

We’ll also help you power through your social marketing with ready-to-use social media posts plus a host of other benefits including workshops, a Facebook advertising course, ready-to use graphics and videos, and a day-by-day planner. Join us today!


#10. Always add a call to action

What do you want the readers of your email newsletter to do next? Book an appointment? Call you? Find out more on your website? Enter a competition? Arrange a consultation?

Whatever it is, tell them what to do and how to do it. Try:

  • Call now to book your salon appointment.
  • Book online here.
  • Enter our competition today.
  • Email now to book your skincare consultation.
  • Visit our website for more info.

These are known as ‘calls to-action’ (or CTAs for short). Always include them at the end of each snippet in your e-newsletter to urge your readers to call you direct or follow links to your salon website or social media.

Make sure the live links you provide actually work and always remember to include your phone number or a ‘phone now’ button.

Do you have a marketing plan for promoting your beauty or hair business on social media?

Follow my seven steps for planning your social media calendar over the next 12 months.


#11. Add a ‘PS’ at the end of your salon email marketing

Let me share a valuable professional secret with you: experienced copywriters who create marketing campaigns will frequently add a ‘PS’ at the end of their marketing messages.

Why? Because it’s a very simply trick and one that works. Professional marketers have known for years that after looking at the headline of a marketing message, our eyes then travel down to the ‘PS’ right at the end.

Try adding a PS to the introductory paragraph of your newsletter. Make sure it includes a powerful call to action. For example:

  • Our consultation slots are filling fast: ring today to book yours.
  • PS: Our new online booking system is now live! Find out how easy it is to make your next appointment.
  • PS: Book your pre-holiday appointment today – slots are filling fast as summer approaches.


#12. The best times to send your salon e-news

Everyone seem to be constantly checking their phones and mobile devices for their latest messages and alerts – from first thing in the morning until late at night.

But to ensure as many as people as possible open and respond to your e-newsletter, you will need to think carefully about the best day and time to send it out.

Generally speaking, studies show that Tuesdays to Thursdays are probably best for sending out e-newsletters.

Avoid the days leading up to major holidays as people are busy getting ready to go away and won’t have time to take in your salon news and tips.

As for time of day, avoid late at night and very early in the morning. Some studies show that mid-morning and late afternoon/early evening are the best times to send out a newsletter. Lunchbreaks can also be a good time to aim for.

You will probably need to experiment a bit and adjust your timings as you go along. With a little trial and error you will discover which days and times suit your target audience and attract the best response.


#13. Quality always trumps quantity

I think a salon e-newsletter is best sent monthly. Readers know what to expect and will hopefully look forward to the latest relevant, interesting and informative updates from your salon.

Avoid a random scattergun approach which will appear unprofessional and will irritate your recipients.

And if you send too often, the quality of your content will suffer and you will start to grate on your readers. They’ll stop opening email marketing messages from your salon and will pretty quickly unsubscribe.

You can break your ‘once a month’ rule when you have some truly amazing news for your clients. One-off specials won’t break the ‘quality not quantity’ rule and will reassure your subscribers that your aim is to provide news and information that is of interest to them – not simply a series of hard-sell messages.


#14. Test, test, test your email campaign

As with all marketing you need to monitor and measure your results.

Most email marketing systems give in-depth feedback on the results of your campaign and show open rates, click-through rates and unsubscribes.

Try testing different formulas to see which works best with your target audience. For example, try different subject lines and adjust the mix of news, offers and tips.

As mentioned above, you can also experiment with sending out on different days of the week and at different times to see which timing works best for you.


#15. Stay legal: include a subscriber opt-out

Data protection laws in this country say you must provide an easy-to-use ‘unsubscribe’ option with all email marketing messages.

Making it easy to opt out will also mean you won’t annoy or alienate loyal salon clients who don’t want to receive your email marketing messages.

Bear in mind that the law also requires you to let people know if you have added them to a list of unsubscribers.

Learn & Grow

Follow these 15 steps to create successful e-newsletters and you’ll get new clients coming through your door.

The next marketing challenge will be to ensure they keep coming back.

Find out how to increase rebookings in your salon.

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